
Swagbucks 101

 What are Swagbucks? Swagbucks are a form of digital money.  You get paid swagbucks for searching, taking a daily poll, watching swagbucks TV, taking surveys etc.

1.) The first thing you want to consider is to "Join" - Click Here.  -It's free and you will NEVER have to pay to become a member! LIMIT ONE ACCOUNT PER PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD!  


2.) Then you may want to consider downloading the Swagbuck toolbar. 

Click Here To Download - You Decide Which Browser
I am still in the process of updating this post so please hang tight until I get the post edited. LINKS SHOULD STILL WORK AND TAKE YOU TO WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. :D

3.)  Be sure to log in EVERYDAY through the toolbar -


You should see this: (Please give it time to load.) 

*If you log in through the website YOU WILL NOT BE REWARDED THE 1 SWAGBUCK! (This means you will lose 365 Swagbucks a year if you do not log in through the toolbar.)

4.) After you log in through the swagbucks toolbar be sure to head to the Daily  Poll.

Click Here

 Be sure to visit daily poll EVERYDAY.

-You will be reward when you take the Daily Poll (Usually 1 Swagbuck)

5.) Then head over to NOSO - Which stands for No Obligation Special Offers - Just HIT SKIP on each offer until you see a code. Or you will be asked to watch a short clip and then enter the code. (This is usually different for me everyday.) 
You can use this feature EVERYDAY.

-You will be rewarded 1 to 2 Swagbucks depending on what they choose.

6.) Next Head to Trusted Survey.  You'll need to fill out some information. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TAKE THE SURVEYS THEY SEND YOU.    

Click Here
Be sure to visit Trusted Surveys EVERYDAY!

These are the new changes:

*Each survey is looking for unique qualifications in an individual to successfully complete the survey. Therefore, there might be times when you won't meet the survey requirements.

** Rewards Amounts are offered upon successfully completing a survey. In circumstances where you are disqualified from a survey or the survey has reached its quota you will be compensated 1 Swag Buck for up to 5 attempted surveys in a day. Answer all surveys truthfully and only attempt surveys that you intend to complete.

*** Limited time only.

7.) Search, Search, Search. - You can win 2-100 swagbucks in one search.  Remember you have to search on your swagbucks toolbar. YOU CAN NOT SEARCH SWAGBUCKS JUST TO WIN!  YOU NEED TO SEARCH SWAGBUCKS LEGITIMATELY.   

 There isn't a limit of how many Swagbucks you can win a day! 

What have I learned? Here is a Summary - 

  • I have downloaded the swagbuck toolbar.
  • I have used the toolbar to log-in.
  •  I have taken the Daily Poll.
  • I have visited the NOSO.
  • I have Clicked on Trusted Surveys.
  • I have searched swagbucks.

8.) If you are bored and have nothing better to do you can watch Swagbucks TV while surfing the internet.When you reach 99% you'll be rewarded 3 swagbucks.  

*This is very important you can only win 150 Swagbucks.  For the last few weeks I've reached my "LIMIT."

9.) What is the swidget? 

*You can now interact with the Swidget.  :) 

This is a unique device that leads you to swagcodes. Click on "SC" Swag Codes it will make you search for the swagcode. This unique device is active on my website at the very bottom.

10.) What is a swagcode? A swagcode is a unique code that CAN NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHERS!  - Violation of Do's & Don'ts -CLICK HERE TO READ!

- How do I redeem a Swagcode?  Click Here 
Look for this Little Box at the top Right hand side of the Swagbucks home page. to Copy & Paste your Swagcode. 

Swagcode on Twitter - EXPIRED!

Swagcode - Blog

11.) What can I do with all of my swagbucks?  Well, you redeem them of course! You can get a $5 giftcard for 450 swagbucks or get paid by PayPal $5 for 700 swagbucks.

Click Here 
Then I click on Gift & Reward Cards

Or PayPal 

The Prizes I have Redeemed 12.2011

12.) Earn 10 Swagbucks for every coupon you print AND REDEEM.  This is another FREE service Swagbucks offers.

Click Here

Coupon Redemption - 10 Swagbucks

13.) Do you have a birthday coming up?  Swagbucks rewards you 50 Swagbucks.  :D

14.) Special Offers - Just another way to earn - This isn't required-  
Earn extra Swagbucks by downloading Internet Explorer.  Or evening signing up for Netflix.  

Click Here 

15.) Swagbucks have recently added a new feature called Tasks. 

Click Here

This is like a huge scavenger hunt.  Here's an example below:
This reward is worth 16 Swagbucks, but you can spend 10 minutes to an hour searching.  

16.) Check Swagbucks often to see if you're the 1,000 swagbuck hourly winner.  Located at the bottom of Swagbucks page. 
(homeiz911 is someones swagbucks name.)  If your swagbuck name isn't listed don't try to claim their swagbucks!!

17.) Trade In- You can trade anything from books, to gaming consoles.  You will be rewarded Swagbucks. (I haven't ever used this feature!)

Click Here

18.) Invite Friends - If they win 10 swagbucks searching so do you! 

Click Here

19.) Every Friday Swagbucks will give away a certain amount of big bucks.  You can earn 10-1,000 in one search.  (KEY WORD -> SEARCH! DON'T ABUSE SEARCHING EITHER!!!) 


20.) If you are the gambling type you could participate in Swagstakes.  I don't believe in gambling and I'll never gamble my Swagbucks to try to win something!!!!

Click Here

21.) Special Offers

22.) Your Inbox - Check it frequently.  (Click HERE)

*I look for FREE offers.  I don't necessarily do them all.   

This is swagbucks 101 in a nutshell. 
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 

Last Updated 03.09.13 at 9:30 pm EST! 

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