
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Super Hot Deals At Dollar General Through 05.30.11

A few weeks ago I stopped by Dollar General on 04.16.11 and found some awesome deals.  Most of them are clearance and some sale items run through May 30th, 2011. Thankfully no ONE had discovered these deals YET. 

1.) Olay 6.78oz Facial wash Regular Price $4.35 on sale for $3.50.  I recently got a in home mailer from P&G with a $2.00 coupon!  As shown below. Regular Price @ Wal-Mart is $4.97 Whoa...

2.) Zest 5pk Clearance for $2.25 but it rang up $1.50.  I had a few $1.00 off three count or larger. I got 5pk of soap for $0.50.  I never do this but I cleared the shelf.  Photos below will show you what I'm taking about.

If Zest isn't on clearance and you would still like to purchase it here's a photo of the regular sale price. $2.75

Finally Here's all of my Dollar General Transactions in this photo below: 

(5) Zest Soaps
(5) Olay Facial Cleansers 

Total OOP: $11.75
Coupon Savings: 15.00
DG Savings: $10.50
Grand Total Savings: $25.50 

Percentage Saved 68% as long as it's above 50% I'm happy.

Coupons Are True Blessings
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