Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rite Aid Ad Type Up 11.13.11 - 11.19.11

*This is NOT a good week at Rite Aid. 

Page 1
Cheer or Gain 24-32 loads - 2/$11
*(2) Use $0.50/1 Cheer (10.16.11 P&G) EXPIRES 01.31.12
OR (2) Use $0.50/1 Gain (10.16.11 P&G) EXPIRES 11.30.11
= 2/$10 - ($1 +Up on 2) = 2/$9 or  $4.50 each

Bounty 8pk or Charmin 12pk - $7.99
*Use $0.50/1 Bounty - (10.30.11 P&G)
*Or Use $0.25/1 Charmin - (10.30.11 P&G)

=$7.49 for Bounty / $7.74 for Charmin

Page 5
Prell Shampoo, LA Looks, Dep, La Bella or Monkey Brains Stylers - $2.99 - ($2.00 +Up) = $0.99

Page 15
Wrigley's Big Red, Juicy Fruit or Double Mint 15ct, Orbit 14ct. $1

*Use Rite Aid Video Value
=$1 - $1 +Up = FREE  (LIMIT 3 +Ups)

Page 16 - Back Page
Crest Whitening Plus Scope Outlast Toothpaste 4oz, 1ct. - $2.99
*Use $1.00/1 (10.30.11 P&G) 
=$1.99 Submit a $2.99 SCR by mail = FREE + $1.00 Money Maker 

Pepsi 12pk 12oz Cans 3/$9.99

Spend $25 Get $5 +Up - In Pink

Always Maxi Pads 20-48ct or Liners 68-80ct - $6
*Use $0.50/1 Always Pads or Liners (10.30.11 P&G)
= $5.50

Tampax 40ct - $6 (EXCLUDES PEARL) 

Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Jumbo Pack - $10
*Use $2.00/2 (10.31.11 P&G)
= $18

Puffs Facial Tissue - $1 
*Use $0.25/3  (10.31.11 P&G)

Crest Toothpaste -  $3
*Use $1.00/1 (10.31.11 P&G)

Old Spice High Endurance or Secret Invisible Solid 2.6 - 3.25 oz  - 2/$5

Gillette Razors B1G1 1/2 Off

Covergirl MakeUp - B1G1 1/2 Off

Deal Idea #1 
(2) Pampers Diapers - $10 
(2) Crest Toothpaste - $3
= $26

Coupons To Use:
(1) $2.00/2 Pampers (10.30.11 P&G)
(2) $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste 4.o oz or larger (10.30.11 P&G) 
= $22 - ($5 +Up) = $17 or $4.25 each (DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX)

Deal Idea #2 
(2) Always Pads or Liners - $6
(4) Crest Toothpaste - $3
(1) Gain Dish Liquid Soap - $1
= $25

Coupons To Use:
(2) $0.50/1 Always or Liners (10.30.11 P&G)
(4) $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste (10.30.11 P&G) 
= $20 - ($5 +Up) = $15 or $2.14 each  (DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX)

Deal Idea #3 
(1) Tampax -$6
(1) Always - $6
(2) Secret Deodorant or Old Spice - $2.50
(3) Crest Toothpaste - $3

Coupons To Use: 
(1) $0.50/1 Tampax - (10.30.11 P&G)
(1) $0.50/1 Always - (10.30.11 P&G)
(3) $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste (10.31.11 P&G)
=$22 - ($5 +Up) = $17 or $2.43 each (DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX)

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