
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prayer Request for Peggy

Photo Credit: Here

Yesterday, I wrote this prayer request on my FB page. 
"I have a prayer request for my aunt, Peggy. She has been struggling with cancer since 2006, and had to have a tumor taken off her spine yesterday. They were afraid it was possible that she could be paralyzed soon if they didn't get the tumor removed. During surgery yesterday, she lost 8 pints of blood and is in ICU. Her doctors say she is lucky to be alive and is a miracle patient. The doctors believe that she will be okay because she is a fighter, but she definitely needs our prayers."
Update (02.23.12 - 12:45pm):  Aunt Peggy is still in ICU as soon as I get an update I will let you know.   Please continue to pray for her our the family.  
 Update (02.23.12 - 9:15pm): Aunt Peggy is still in ICU. She is still battling nausea. We are praying that her pain medication will get out of her system and that she will regain her appetite. They believe the pain medication is causing her nausea. Her blood pressure has stabilized. Peggy and our entire family are appreciative of all the prayers being lifted up in her behalf. 
Update (02.25.12) - Aunt Peggy has finally came home.  She is still not eating.  Please continue to pray.   God is still in the miracle business. 
Update (02.28.12) - Aunt Peggy is doing okay.  She is finally eating a little bit.  Yesterday, she ate potato soup and today she wanted ice cream. ;)   
 Update (04.21.12) - Aunt Peggy needs our prayers.   She has been going to the doctor several times a week.  I can't really go into all the details on here.   Please continue to pray for her. 

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