
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Swagbucks Swagcode Extravaganza - 05.22.13

Photo Credit - Swagbucks

Today is a Mega Swagbucks Swagcode Extravaganza.  This Extravaganza began at 3 am EST and will run throughout the day.  If you get all the swagcodes you will earn 70 swagbucks. 

Here's the schedule for the swagcode extravaganza.  {Photo Below.}


 ***Be sure to check this post throughout the day.   I will try my best to update when I find the next code. ;-) ***    

You can share swagcodes now according to this post: (I copied and pasted.)

We know how much you all love Swag Codes, so we are implementing an exciting, major change beginning immediately.  Moving forward, you should now feel free to share active Swag Codes.  Tell your friends, post it on your Facebook wall, Tweet it to your followers; let everyone know the active Swag Code so that everyone can take advantage of the bonus Swag Bucks!
Don’t worry, there will be no repercussions for posting active Swag Codes.  This will not negatively impact your account in any way.  This is a permanent change.
Let’s put this plan in action!  Start now by entering “ShareThisCode” underneath the Swag Code Safe Icon by 11am PDT (2pm EDT) for 4 Swag Bucks, and be sure to tell all of your friends!
Scott Dudelson
COO Prodege, LLC

You can find these codes at the following places:

1.) Swagbucks Blog

2.) Swagbucks Twitter Page

3.) Swagbucks Facebook Page

4.) Swagstore

5.) Swagbucks Home Page 

6.) Swagbucks Swidget -  (Located at the bottom of the blog, or on the left hand side.)

- Swidget on our FB page (Click HERE)

7.) Swagbucks Chat Bar (Photo Below)

8.)  Swagbucks TV - Usually Toolbar

9.)  And More - (I hope I didn't leave anything out.)  

-There will NEVER be a swagcode in all of the places listed above at once.  These are places to start looking.  :-) 

Search & Win


**Swagcode Alert #1 (05.22.13) - MAYkeover  - Worth 7 Swagbucks - Expires at 7 am - Toolbar

**Swagcode Alert #2 (05.22.13) - MoneyMakeover  Worth 8 Swagbucks - Expires at 10 am - Facebook

**Swagcode Alert #3 (05.22.13) - HomeMakeover -  Worth 9 Swagbucks - Expires at 11:30 am - Facebook 

**Swagcode Alert #4 (05.22.13) - StyleMakeover -Worth 10 Swagbucks - Expires 2 pm - Toolbar/Facebook

**Swagcode Alert #5 (05.22.13) - DietMakeover - Worth 11 Swagbucks - Toolbar - Expires at 4:30 pm

**Swagcode Alert #6 (05.22.13) - SoulMakeover - Worth 12 Swagbucks - Expires at 6:30 pm - Swidget

**Swagcode Alert #7 (05.22.13) - LifeMakeover - Worth 13 Swagbucks - Expires at 9 pm - Swidget 

Disclosure: I was NOT paid for this post!  Swagbucks is free to join! Please read my full disclosure policy.  

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