
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wahoo!!! (Swagbucks/Couponmom)

Do you know I am always blabbing about Coupon Mom?  Well I have two things to talk about in this post because they tie together.  
1.)  Swagbuck 
2.) Coupon Mom Book 

Here' the link for Amazon her book is still $6.00! 
Amazon- The Coupon Mom's Guide To Cutting Your Grocery Bills In Half

I know most people haven't ever heard of Swagbucks.  Well I was right there with you until last August 2010 I joined for the first time.  Not knowing what it was and what was I getting myself into?  I later found out I would LOVE swagbucks!!  You get 30 swagbucks just for joining, on your birthday you get 100, and if you refer people if they earn 10 swagbucks so do you!  Well about 1 month after I joined I got my P.I.C (Partner In Couponing) to join later in September.  She recently used her swagbucks to purchase 2 amazon gift cards for 450 swagbucks which is a $5.0o Amazon Gift Card. (Can take up to 14 days before code appears in your swagbucks account.)  We (it took both of us how to figure it out)  purchased The Coupon Mom's Guide To Cutting Your Grocery Bills In Half.   We purchased this book off of for $6.00 we did have to pay shipping which was okay.  We didn't have $25 worth to purchase and get free shipping.  With Shipping, Tax, & Book $9.99.  That means we have 0.01 left in our Amazon account.  I have never read this book.  I just received it today and I can't by far put this thing down!  I am already on Chapter 3 fixing to start 4.  Definitely worth winning all of those swagbucks I am sure my P.I.C. will be proud.  

I found out by taking the quiz in the book that I am a Strategic Varsity Shopper, I am by far baffled.  I think because I am so young and people wouldn't believe me in the first place if you know what I mean.  But I highly recommend both Swagbucks and Coupon Mom's Book!  Why not spend free money on something that will teach you in the first place.  I say that's a double freebie!  Unless you want to get all technical and say well I waste power and my time.  But honestly It's not a waste at time by far!  I am currently sitting on 3,100 swagbucks and remember I joined in Aug. 2010!   Something else that's important is they never expire they are yours forever.  Why not save them up and purchase a laptop, desktop, books, whatever interests you.  (JUST DON'T FORGET YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD THAT WOULD BE ONE BIG PROBLEM.)  

If this wants to get your attention to persuade you to join I don't know what will. 
1.) If you download swagbucks toolbar and log in every day 1 BUCK 
2.) If you take the NOSO Offers and hit skip you can will a-- 1 SWAGBUCK  but this whole week you get 2 swagbucks 
3.) Daily Poll
4.) If you search you may win but your not guaranteed!  I haven't ever won 50 swagbucks for searching but I have won 18 twice back to back very rare though!

The choice is yours!  

Front Cover

Sneak Peak! Chapter One

Back Cover

Coupons Are True Blessings 
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