Today I have took the time to figure out how much OOP, CVS Savings, Coupon Savings, and Percentage for CVS.
Month of January
OOP- $21.78
CVS Savings- $50.13
Coupon Savings $48.44
Percentage Saved - 82%
No Coupons and No Savings for the Month of January I would have spent: $120.35!
Month of February
OOP- $6.68
CVS Savings $10.43
Coupon Savings $21.00
Percentage Saved- 82%
No Coupons and No Savings for the Month of February I would have spent: $38.11
YTD OOP - $28.46
YTD CVS Savings- $60.56
YTD Coupon Savings- $69.44
YTD Percentage Saved- 82% LOL
No Coupons and No Savings for the YTD I would have spent: $150.46.
Not as hurtful as Rite Aid but still I say great savings!
Coupons Are True Blessings