Daily Quote & Bible Verse 11.14.11
A familiar road is like an old friend who every so often startles with an unexpected quirk of personality, while a heretofore untraveled one is new acquaintance whose character is yet to be appraised. ~ Dale Coman ~
Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth. ~Psalms 88:8 KJV ~
Daily Quote & Bible Verse 11.15.11
Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good, you must a hundred try. ~Claude Mermet ~
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly; and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. ~ Probverbs 18:24 KJV~