Sunday, January 9, 2011

SSI (Sleet, Snow & Ice)

I don't know if you have heard but it's supposed to S,S,I tonight.  Not looking forward to being snowed in, iced in.   Here in Georgia we are expecting 2-10inches of Snow by Tuesday.  There are 687 closing in Georgia by far.  I am prepared if the power goes off I think.  3 loafs of bread, milk, 2 dozen eggs, canned soup, heating supplies (blankets), candles, and more. So far there is no snow in my area but I can feel the temperature dropping already.  I am a little worried about how much sleet is supposed to hit.  A lot of people can't understand here in Georgia you can't possibly drive on Ice.  You know someone always has to act silly though. If we get any snow in our area and If I have power I'll be posting pretty pictures for all of my readers.  I hope they miss it but we are waiting to see.   

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