Sunday, January 9, 2011

Well Happy Late New Year!

I would just like to say it's late but Happy New Year to all my fellow readers.  I have been very busy!  I had about 200 coupon inserts that have now taken me almost two weeks to cut, sort, and organize into categories for my coupon binder.  This process is long and now I am wondering what have I gotten myself into?!?!  Some days I get very discouraged thinking I wouldn't care if I saw another coupon ever and now I think that's selfish due to that's free money!!!  I also know everyone says yeah coupons are worthless but whether it's a .25 or $5.00 that's money I saved and didn't have to come up with!!!  I am hoping to share some Great Deals This Week with you.  Please stay tuned.  Sometimes it's a struggle for me to juggle everything I am doing but God is going to help me get though it.
Coupons Are True Blessings
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