
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Time Management Tips

I have recently been reading an e-book called Time Management 101 by Chrystal Paine with Amy Lynn Andrews.  (P.S. I got it for free off of Money Savings Mom as an e-book.)  :) 

Here is what I have learned this week while reading this e-book twice.  You need to schedule out your day.  However, you may not have time to do that.  That's understandable.  But I have been planning my out and will be sharing that with you soon.  I have to do this schedule for three weeks before I can share it but I will share a section of Money Saving Mom's :  Page 20: "My Daily Time Budget:
  • 30 minutes Bible Reading/ Journaling
  • 1 hour with Jesse
  • 4 hours of homeschooling, reading and playing with the children
  • 1 hour of exercise
  • 30 minutes shower/ dress
  • 2 hours cleaning/home management
  • 7 hours sleeping
  • 2 hours meal/meal preparation
  • 4 hours blogging/ computer work
  • 2 hours of extra/ "margin" time
This is Money Saving Mom Time Management schedule."  

Hope to share mine with you soon!  

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