
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Free Site to earn Giftcards - It's FREE!

If you LOVE Swagbucks you'll LOVE iRazoo!  It's FREE to joiniRazoo has Treasure Codes, Offers, and it's own search engine.  I've won at least three times a day searching iRazoo. I also earn 5 points just viewing offers. I've been a member for almost 2 years.  =)      

Here's a look at my iRazoo account: (Photo Below)

 Here's A Search & Win : (Photo Below)

Here's A Treasure Code: (Photo Below)


Prize Catalog:  

It's that easy and remember it's FREE!!  The prize catalog may seem high but sometimes you can find 100 point Treasure Code.  I've almost won enough searching, viewing offers, and treasure codes to have a $5-$10 payout.  It may be a slow go but it's worth it.  :)  P.S. The payout is strictly GIFT CARDS!

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